The Surge of a New Organizational Culture: UPP Global’s Experience
By: Andres Congrains
Our capacity of adaptability, when going through moments of crisis, presents the opportunity to gain experience and move on at a large scale. Life experiences today shape our work and strategies for tomorrow. The pass of time will transform this into foundations for the next era. We hope our readers find in UPP Global's experience a chance to reflect on their own. A brighter future is only attainable when working with one another.
The pandemic has left a mark on organizational culture. Organizations able to work remotely suffered less of an impact than those which didn't. Moreover, staff had the urge to come together as a community. Many organizations experienced dissertation and workforce losses. It also led to a new paradigm: are organizations equipped to adapt?
The worldwide workforce had required flexibility a long time before covid. Hybrid remote work only became discussed after the pandemic. However, it made employment more accessible for people whose personal lives were affected by going to 9-5 jobs six days a week.
Furthermore, it was important to mind volunteers' and children's psychological well-being. In the end, UPP Global could only do as well as its people. Our solution was to focus on aiding one another. Promoting social values and organizing communication to stay together through difficult times was key.
We hope this crisis has made everyone closer. Evidence indicates social division is premonitory of a downfall. Hence, people should be prioritized. Organizations should become more flexible to retain their workforce, clients, and members. None should be left behind as society can only prosper through common well-being. People are the backbone of any organization, they are so much more than an important resource: they are its heart and soul.
We believe a new management style has emerged: one focused on helping people beyond the organizational goals. In the end, an organization is nothing more than the mere people who form it. We expect the future of organizations to be more humanitarian. Organizations themselves are communities in the practical sense. It's substantial to have a holistic approach to organizational culture. The premise of prioritizing the work culture and environment should be exchanged for the premise of how social cohesion can harness a community through hard times. This accounts for building personal bonds and caring for associates well being aside from work. It means being understanding and supportive of one another. Health, mental and physiological well-being should be taken into account. At last, we could discuss the surge of a new paradigm in organizational culture: well-being management.
As a non-profit organization committed to uplifting and inspiring young people, UPP Global wishes to share its experience on how important actual people are for any organization. Strong communities are the backbone of a prosperous society. We believe that having a well-being management plan can boost adaptability to unprecedented circumstances.